Kelley Leger and his team came to Cambodia to meet our team and to stir us up in the Holy Spirit. While we were praying and worshipping with them Sreymey (Rany’s older sister who is also one of our disciples) told God that she’d do whatever he told her to. “Kneel.” She heard him say. Sreymey looked around to see if anybody else was kneeling; no they weren’t. She was nervous, but finally she decided to be obedient.
As she knelt she saw a vision of the kids from Dry Ground village caught in a net and crying out, “Help us!” So Sreymey told Kelley about the vision and he prayed together with her that the spiritual oppression in that village would be broken off.
We used to teach a lot of children in that village about Jesus, maybe 40 or so, but since then their parents and grandparents have started to forbid them to come and their numbers dwindled down to perhaps 10 kids. That was what the vision was referring to.
But when we went back there last Friday, there were 30 kids in attendance. 2 older women came by, we assumed they came to call their children or grandchildren to forbid them from learning about Jesus; but instead they sat down and listened intently to the gospel with smiles on their faces. What a delight to see God work!
Also there was a bunch of expeditions of Americans coming in to help us evangelize in the different villages. It was a delight to work alongside people who have never been in the country and witness the power of a gospel that doesn’t depend on knowledge of language or culture but entirely on the power of Jesus Christ the Living God.
Many people got saved, many people got healed, and now comes the ardorous process of discipling them into maturity in Christ.
- We got the paperwork done in time, and all our expeditions happened smoothly.
- One of our disciples in the village died suddenly. We thought his family would be discouraged and stop believing in Christ, but it turns out they all believe in Jesus now.
- For us to make disciples in these villages who are strong and contagious.
- For the family of the believer who died in the village that they would be strong and get free from debt. (Most Cambodians are in heavy debt where we work)
Tommy Downs