Khmer New Year
EDIT March 11th 2023: Wow, that was terrible, why did I ever do that? We all make mistakes, this is one I’ve grown from, but it caused a lot of destruction. I was lauded for it at the time before it all went south.
I’ve always disliked matchmakers and people that pretend to be so. But since my coworkers Micah and Tori were already inseparable I don’t feel too much guilt over what I did.
Micah and Tori are best friends, they do everything together, this creates suspicions among everyone that they’re dating or married, something they tried hard to dispel. Sometimes I believed them that they weren’t in a relationship, but clues would constantly pop up.
In February Micah told me that his parents and Tori’s parents were coming to visit them in May. I asked if they were coming for their wedding but Micah denied it and insisted that he and Tori were just good friends. I’ve seen enough of Micah and Tori every day in our language school zoom classes to know that the strength of their relationship would never allow either of them to get involved with anyone else despite their hesitancy with each other.
Even though Micah and I have spent a lot of time together alone, he always tells me that he will tell me his story next time; it’s been 10 months working with him and he still keeps pushing it off. I figured this ignorance of mine could be weaponized to get some clarification on Tori and Micah’s relationship, so I sent them a group text outlining all the reasons they should just get married already and how they already are inseparable. Since this was something I was sure countless people had already asked, I excused this intrusion by claiming ignorance of their histories.
Micah read my message with Tori, then later proposed that night. And now they getting married next month in May already. It’s so weird that I forced their hand like that, but they were gonna get married eventually anyway I’m sure.
Asia Staff Retreat
We met as a team in Siem Reap and worshipped together and encouraged one another. We also engaged in a massive waterfight as shown above. It was really good.
We got to meet up with our whole Cambodia team including new members fresh from the United States, it’s weird that I get to help translate for them sometimes. So we’ve added a family of 4, and a couple more guys.
For Amy as she goes back to the States for her daughter’s wedding. May she have great meetings with people and not miss her husband and son Samuel too much.
For us too that we manage well without her.
For our team that’s continuing to grow that they settle in well and learn how to communicate with the people.
That Tori’s dad recovers from his heart attack quickly and can make it to her wedding here in Cambodia soon.
Love you all, keep the faith,
Tommy Downs