Tommy Downs

Tommy Downs

A Servant of Jesus Christ

A Shack

“Ever since you guys came to our house, we’ve been so busy with work. Every time someone hires us to work for them I thank Jesus.” Said the mother that we had shared the gospel with 2 weeks ago. “When you guys came last time, I’ll be honest, we didn’t even have food to eat.” Then the husband spoke: “There was no work for any of us to do. But you told us about Jesus and now we have money in our pockets, food in our bellies, and we even have chickens to raise. My phone just keeps ringing with people offering me work, it doesn’t stop.” Their house was a shack that sat a few feet off the ground and it was very small and rough compared to the neighboring houses. The land they live on isn’t even their land. But because of God’s provision they see that Jesus loves them, has power, and that he is real.

Jesus heals a man bedridden for 6 years

A couple months ago one of the groups of Americans came to help with ministry for a couple of weeks. They went to one house where a grandpa had been lying on a bed for 6 years unable to rise. So they prayed for him. Him and his wife gave their lives to Jesus, and since then, he’s been able to sit-up and walk on crutches and move his arms. Now that his wife doesn’t have to watch him 24/7 she is free to ride her moto selling corn to support her family.

The other people curse her because she believes in Jesus and they complain that her corn tastes so much better than theirs. She goes everywhere spreading the good news of Jesus and is unashamed. She says that before she knew Jesus, there would be evil spirits crying and causing trouble near her house every night, but the evil spirits have not come back to bother them since.

Upcoming Plans


Overland Missions students (predominately from the US) are coming to Cambodia next month to learn what serving Christ is like in South East Asia. So I will have 2 students following me around for a week or so.

The United States

Well, I’m going back to the states for a visit in November for 4 months before coming back to Cambodia. I’ll be busy traveling to different states and speaking at churches and meeting with people. If you want to meet up and hear about all that’s been happening, reach out to me so that we can make plans.


  • Continue to pray for our team, that we would grow in numbers and in unity and love for one another. Pray that we would have clear and unified vision.
  • Pray for my boss, Charles, as he goes to Africa to recruit more missionaries.
  • Pray for my trip to the States coming up, that I would have time to meet with each and every one of you and share in the joy that we have in Jesus Christ. I’m so excited to see all that he is doing in each of your lives!

For the kingdom,

Tommy Downs