It feels so fake to only be thankful because a holiday tells us to, but I think any excuse to be thankful is a good excuse. Look at the apostle Paul, there wasn’t enough suffering in this world for him to even compare to the glory of Christ in him.
“For I reckon that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us.” (Romans 8:18 [KJVA])
We’re filled with the same spirit Jesus had (the holy spirit, the comforter), so we’ve no excuse not to be thankful. When we live every day of our lives with this attitude we illuminate this dark world and draw people to Christ.
Do all things without protests and arguments; So that you may be holy and gentle, children of God without sin in a twisted and foolish generation, among whom you are seen as lights in the world, (Philippians 2:14-15 [BBE])
New Niece
It’s been a crazy year, but its been full of blessing regardless. After 13 months of pregnancy, my sister Joy finally gave birth to Hallelujah Promise Hopper. (Some may say she wasn’t pregnant that long, maybe there’s a scientific explanation, but nobody really cares) She was born healthy at 7lbs 3oz. Joy has been potty training little Lujah since the tenth day after she was born (It’s funny to watch). I get plenty of time to hold Lujah which is awesome.
Went on a random trip with my sister Bonnie and some missionary friends to help them recruit people for mission trips. We also may have partaken in some sports.
One Tribe Conference
In January, me and my siblings and parents are driving to Florida to attend Overland Mission’s One Tribe Conference. There’s gonna be hundreds of missionaries there and we’re also gonna have some meetings and team building events. It’s great to be a part of what they’re doing in the nations and catch up with a lot of them. I wouldn’t get far without a team and I don’t think I could choose a better one to be on.
After January, I’ll finally be going to Cambodia (or somewhere else on the field temporarily if I can’t get in).
Thank you everyone for the blessings you’ve been in my life, and I pray I get to be a blessing to all of you.
Tommy Downs